Mai Tai Media Watch

If you see notable mentions of Mai Tais in print, in movies or television, the Web, or anyplace else, please let us know:

  • Mai Tai is mentioned in the Don Tiki song "Bam-Boozled."
  • The great Les Baxter wrote a song called "Mai Tai" which appeared on the The Soul of the Drums (Reprise R9-6100) album.
  • Legendary Hawaiian singer Alfred Apaka has an album and song called "Cry in My Mai Tai".

Web Links

  • Tiki Bar Review Page has information on a host of Tiki Bars. The reviews do vary in quality, but there are lots of pictures and links to other tiki-related sites. Mai Tais aren't often mentioned, but this would be a good place to start if you're looking for good Mai Tais in your local area. Better yet, check out some of the bars and send us a review.
  • Dave's Mai Tai will someday be selling their secret recipe for a small price.
  • Fishstick! is another interesting site with tiki references. Great trip reports, hopefully more to come.


Strange or Unusual

Books, Magazines, and More
  • Mai Tai Mighty Fine is a short article on the Mai Tai from Honolulu Star Bulletin. Includes history, photos, and recipes.
  • The Mai Tais that Bind was a story about Trader Vic's grandson Peter Seely. It appeared in the Sacramento Bee on August 4, 1999.
  • Every Mai Tai connoisseur should read the Tiki News. Each issue usually has several references to Trader Vic's, tiki bars, drink recipes, and more. Don't wait another day!
  • Vintage Cocktails: Authentic Recipes and Illustrations from 1920-1960 contains lots of great illustrations, recipes, and more. Check out our review, or purchase the book.

Movies, Television

  • Mai Tais are mentioned twice in the Charlie's Angels second season premiere episode, "Angels in Paradise" (which takes place in Hawaii). Sabrina (played by Kate Jackson) says "I will never have a Mai Tai as long as I live." A better quote comes from Charlie himself who said "My own preference runs to Mai Tais".
  • Mai Tais (or Tummy Warmers as they are often referred) are mentioned and consumed at numerous points during the Elvis Presley movie Blue Hawaii. The best Mai Tai quote came from Angela Lansbury to her Chinese houseboy, "Fetch me a Mai Tai, Ping Pong."
  • Mai Tais were mentioned and shown twice in Six Days, Seven Nights. Anne Heche ordered Mai Tais at a tropical bar.
  • Helen Hunt mentioned a Mai Tai in a list of tropical drinks on Mad About You episode #707, "The Thanksgiving Show" which originally aired on November 24, 1998.
  • In episode #810 of The Real World (Hawaii), Matt said "spending six months on the beach drinking Mai Tais isn't my idea of being productive."  I guess everyone is entitiled to their opinion...
  • An old Lucy Show episode featured Lucy and Vivian Vance getting plastered on Mai Tais. Lucy kept repeating "Might I have a Mai Tai?" and was very pleased by her little pun.

Music to Drink Mai Tais To

This is our admittedly biased list of CDs to listen to while drinking Mai Tais.

All images and text appearing on these pages are copyright 2003 by Kevin Crossman, all rights reserved, unless otherwise noted. Reproduction or retransmission of this material in any form is prohibited without expressed written permission.

The Search for the Ultimate Mai Tai is a production.